All About Sonia Sylart, writer

Sonia lives in London with her family and prized (but small) collection of brilliant cut-glass animal ornaments.  Over the years her employments have included working as a Legal Administrator, Adult Education Tutor, Child Care Provider and Helpline Family Adviser. 


As a child Sonia was labelled shy and looking back she believes she unknowingly and unnecessarily held herself back in life in a number of ways throughout her childhood, teenage years and well into adult life but, much like everyone else, she rode the waves of life’s ups and downs and muddled through.  


As to writing, her first experiences of enjoying it occurred when her hardworking, busy parents would tell her the “nuts and bolts” of letters they didn’t have time to pen and ask her to write the correspondence for them to sign.  She was chuffed to take on this responsibility at a young age and her efforts were well received and effectual.  Thus the writing seed was sewn thanks to her Mum and Dad.


In recent years she has come to enjoy the life changing benefits of positivity and affirmative thinking and it has helped her immensely in coping with a number of trials which have beset her  (trials which otherwise could have been the undoing of her) in areas such as bereavement, relationships and health. 


The good news is now she knows how positivity can help people to better manage and cope with whatever life throws up, enabling them to enjoy life much more, and feel that bit more tickled.


Sonia was formerly an all too keen positive affirmations sceptic.  Now, among other things, through her writing she is on a mission to share how we can all use positivity to advantage.


What was your first experience of enjoying writing (or not)?

Do let us know in the comment section below


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Comments: 2
  • #2

    Sonia Sylart (Thursday, 18 January 2018 23:38)

    Many thanks for dropping by Jesse. Your feedback is much appreciated.

  • #1

    Jesse Sannicandro (Tuesday, 16 January 2018 20:55)

    Awesome blog post, I got wonderful information.